
Douglas Bartels, Owner of Captain Shrink Wrap
Douglas J. Bartels, Owner
AKA, Captain Shrink Wrap

T H E L I G H T of the C O R V U S
Otherwise Known As: “The Light of the World
By Douglas J. Bartels ~ a penitent beggar (corvus) on a dunghill

The Light, white, bright
Filters through the shadows of branches
A sparkling sight and warmth

My soul now somewhat softened
Ready remove the shadows blight
Prospecting the darkest night below

A coursing portion of my soul
A trickle now of self seen light

As light begets light and life
Even amidst the “Cras, cras…” noise
Of my blackest fowl soul–“tomorrow, tomorrow”; no!

I rather read poetry, of mine or another
Seeking light for light
light for life
More light today than yesterday

From darkness shown the light
We, you and I, the light of the world
Shine as Corvus’ stars in heaven