
Residential applications may be few but certainly effective; that’s why you need Captain Shrink Wrap!

Often associated with storm damage, temporary tarping to mitigate against additional damages seems appropriate, however, given the uncertainty of how long the tarp will need to keep the weather from creeping into the home, a quality, long-lasting shrink-wrap applications remains a far more effective solution to storm damage mitigation. Our shrink-wrap material protects from harmful UV deterioration up to 12 months and remains structurally stable for much longer, compared to tarps that will disintegrate in a short period of time due to UV damage exacerbated by subsequent impact by wind and weather events. So, no mater how big or how small, how short or how tall, give us a call; Captain Shrink Wrap, “we cover it up“!

If it matters to you, it matter to us too! So, give Captain Shrink Wrap a call or Request a Quote on-line.

  • Temporary Roof Repair
  • Temporary Dry-in
  • Temporary Exterior Repair
  • Weatherproofing Personal Property